Standing Committees
Mission: To maintain official records of the current membership of the Club, publish such membership information as permissible by individual homeowners to connect our residents with one another, and ensure that new CPC members are welcomed to the community.
Chair: Jorge Mondaca*
Members: Sharon McKenny, Elaine Monticollo
Public Relations
Mission: To promote general public good will and relations in particular within the Centennial Lake area and the surrounding communities, and to keep The Club members informed with respect to community activities in which the members should have an interest.
Chair: Erin Lovern
Members: Sarah Domis*, Vacant
Rules and Property
Mission: To execute the duties of and follow the procedure defined by the Code of Rules and Regulations, together with appropriate revisions and amendments thereto made from time to time as adapted by The Club.
Chair: Sheila Ghiglieri
Vice Chair: Jon Fisher
Members: Clark Perks*, Richard Weldon, Vacant
Mission: To promote and supervise the social activities on a community basis.
Chair: Sharon McKenney
Members: Pam Boyd, Natalia Krause, Erin Lovern, Elaine Monticollo, Marianne Post, and Pam Thomas
Special Committees
Beach Committee
Mission: To oversee general maintenance of the CPC beach area, manage the area for event reservations, and organize the common area boat storage and registration process.
Chair: Greg DeWitt*
Members: Shawn Omens, Vacant
Historical Committee
Mission: To find and preserve historical artifacts of The Club and share the Club’s history with residents and members.
Chair: Vacant
Members: Vacant, Vacant
Lake Committee
Mission: To maintain the water quality, marine life, and day-to-day operation of the lake and the dam for The Club on behalf of the owner, the Centennial Land Development Corporation.
Chair: Shawn Omans
Members: Greg DeWitt, Vacant
Landscaping Committee
Mission: To maintain the common areas and properties of the Centennial Pines Club as required.
Chair: Constantine Zografos
Members: John Ellor*, Dawn Fisher*
Legal Committee
Mission: To advise the Board of Directors on legal concerns facing The Club.
* indicates Board of Directors member